Voltage between the measurement point and a reference ground; integral of the electric field.
Examples for "electric potential"
Examples for "electric potential"
1The height of the hill is like the change in electric potential.
2It turns out that changing magnetic field also creates an electric potential.
3Moreover, potential function relationships between the electric potential and water content were found.
4Well, then the change in electric potential energy would be different.
5My favorite analogy for electric potential energy is gravitational potential energy.
1The simulations capture spontaneous substrate binding of GlpT, driven by the positive electrostatic potential of the lumen.
2Starting from the linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation, we calculate the electrostatic potential and the energy of such a charge distribution.
3Resulting changes in shape, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic potential at the protein surface form a likely basis for signal transduction.
4Moreover, molecular modelling allowed determining the electrostatic potential density maps and the hydrogen bonds of antibiotics and the glass matrix.
5This expression can be viewed as representing the electrostatic potential generated by charges on a line in R 3 .
Translations for electric field potential